Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The British North American Colonies - 857 Words

At the dawn of the 17th Century, England was in a suitable position to colonize North America. England had finally reached peace with Spain, and England had many workers willing to travel to America for a chance at religious freedom, affluence, and exploration. Aided by the funding of the Virginia Company, roughly one hundred English settlers landed on the North American shore in 1607, at a place they would name Jamestown. In the ensuing decades, more people traveled to this new land, and they expanded their territories, eventually forming the Thirteen Original Colonies. At first glance, the colonies were very much alike, as they had all kept their English culture and remained loyal to England. However, after closer inspection it was evident that many concrete differences existed between the colonies, specifically between the New England, Middle, and Southern colonial regions. Despite the colonies’ loyalty to England and their similar cultures, the Thirteen British North Ameri can Colonies had distinct differences in their economies, moral and religious principles, and settling patterns. First of all, the Thirteen Original Colonies were disparate because they had different economies. For example, the Southern Colonies, which included Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Caroline, and Georgia, were particularly known as the plantation colonies, as they had many large farms and plantations. Theses colonies mainly produced and exported â€Å"cash crops† such as rice andShow MoreRelatedSummary : The Plantation Economy Of The British North American Colonies 1312 Words   |  6 PagesZainab Omosanya HST 1510 LD 01 Analytical Essay 1 Prof. Korey Bowers-Brown Trace the shift from non-racially specific indentured servitude to perpetual race-based slavery in the British North American colonies. 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